Holiday House Cleaning in a Hurry!

Whether we like it or not, the holiday season is here. If you’re like us, your to-do list is likely growing and may even feel a bit overwhelming. You have gifts to purchase, parties to attend, and projects around the … Continued

Why Cleaning Isn’t Only a Spring Thing

It’s great to think that deep cleaning your Indianapolis home only has to happen once a year. Wouldn’t it be great if spring-cleaning meant that all the dirt and clutter stayed at bay for months on end? However, we all know … Continued

Calcium, Lime and Rust…OH MY!!

For most of us who live in Indiana rust, lime, and calcium deposits in our water is a part of our daily routine (Boo…hiss). A Water Softener is a practical must have if you don’t want to fight a constant battle … Continued

Not Another Spring Cleaning Checklist

You can find tons of lengthy, multi-tiered “spring cleaning checklists” out there. In fact, I’ve even Googled it for you. Getting organized on paper can be a huge help, like a road map on a long journey. It can also … Continued

Your Kitchen is Dirtier Than You Think

The Toilet Tautology Yes, your toilet is cleaner than your kitchen sink… because you clean it. You clean it because you are wary of its dirty function. And things you clean end up being clean things. Thus, in this BBC … Continued

Dirty Shower or Humble Canvas?

If you were to ask me about Chemistry, I might say that it is a science about all the things in the world, and the changes, bursts, fizzes, and whatnots of everything bumping into every other thing. Obviously, it is … Continued