There is nothing like the power of music to give yourself the motivation to get things done. Our team at Christina’s Complete Clean knows never to underestimate the power of a good playlist – and neither should you. So, if you’re looking at your to-do list and needing some motivation, why not start by putting together a killer playlist that will carry you through every unpleasant chore you need to accomplish? Below we’ve put together a few tips to help you get your music organized and ready to pump you up.
1. Gather Your Songs
Think back to all the good times you’ve had. Whether it was a night out, a good movie, or just times when you’ve felt good for no reason, that’s how you want to feel while you’re getting things done. If you start to associate your chores with those good feelings, then they won’t seem so bad in the future! So start by listing all those songs that remind you of those good times.
2. Arrange Your Songs
After you’ve gathered your songs, you’re going to need to give yourself some good flow. There’s really no right way to do this; it all depends on what you like and how it makes you feel. Pick a good song to start off, something that will get you up on your feet and dancing. Then, continue to arrange them with songs that give a similar feeling. Songs of the same genre will fit together easily, but you may have a few that don’t quite fit – and that’s okay too!
3. Transition between Genres
This part may need a little more research, as well as some trial and error. But don’t worry, the effort will pay off. Some artists may fit into more than one genre, so they can be really great transition songs to insert into parts of your playlist that don’t seem to flow well.
Call in the Experts
If you’ve read through these tips and still don’t know how to channel your inner DJ, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. At Christina’s Complete Clean we know some things are better left to the experts, so we’ve created a cleaning playlist that we love – and that we’d love to share with you! You can find it here: CCC Playlist.
Would you also like to leave the cleaning to the experts? We’ve got you covered there, too. If you’d like to find out more about Christina’s Complete Clean and our cleaning services, contact us today at (317) 564-4244.